The best meet of beef is obtained from the animal of 18-21 months old .

the parts of beef's meat and its uses:
sn. part/cut use /method of cooking
1 shin consomme,beaftea,stewing
2 top side roasting,braising
3 silver side salt beef
4 thick flank braising ,stewing
5 rump " grilling,frying,steak
6 sirloin roasting,grilling,frying
7 wingrib roasting,grilling,frying,steak
8 thin flank stewing,boiling,sausage
9 fillet roasting,grilling,frying,steak
1 fore rib roasting, braising
11 middle rin roasting,braising
12 chuck rib stewing,braising
13 sticking piece stewing,sausage
14 brisket boiling
15 plate stewing,sausage
16 leg of mutton cut stewing,braising
17 shank consomme,beaftea

For tenderness,the must should be the aged for approximately 1*c,this also increases the taste and flavor of the meat.
-meat should be brightly red with small flecks of white fat.
-fat should be firm,brittle,creamy whites and odurless.

by santosh


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