As well as the components contained in the common mushroom ,it has two other important components:-
*Germanium no.32.according to a research repot by a japanese doctor k,ganoderma contains 800-2000 p.p.m of germanium.germanium can promote blood circulation,can increase the oxygen absorbing capability of the body ,can keep sufficient oxygen in the blood can improve metabolism,and prevent functional degeneration,based on an analysis by the doctor ,germanium is the major component of ganoderma ,the germanium contained in ganoderma is 4-6 times that of ginseng.
*poly -saccharides : conatined in varying quantities in the common mushroom japanese pharmacists and medicine manufactures have extracted the poly-saccharides from 'yun jong' which belongs to the same family as ganoderma ,and prodeced a medicine called p.s.k. this medicine has been used in clinical practice for cancer immuno -therapy ,and was proved effective,and approved b y the koseisho health dept. for insurance medicine .it is prescribed to cancer patients for prevention,malignancies,and metastasis.the poly-saccharides can increase antibody count which strenthens immunity.when the face that ganoderma contains great amounts of such components was ist published in medical reports,the medical field has paid much attention to it. since artifical cultivation has succeeeded ,ther is no need to worry about the supply ,the japaneses medical and pharmaceutical fields are all researching and manufacturing,and have put ganodermas on the market as a health food.
by santosh


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