Organizations are deliberate and purposive creation,which have some goals,goals or objectives
are the end results towards which the activities of an organizations are directed,the process of goal formation is not simple but quite complex,the goals must be realistic and attainable ,they should neither be too high nor too low ,if they are too high ,they cannot be achieved and the managers and the workers would become frustrated and if they are too low, they serve no purpose ,further, the goals must be clearly stated so that the concerned persons can understand them clearly.

The process of goal formation varies in business and social organizations ,withing business organizations also the process may be affected due to attitude of higher management ,efficiency of managers,and workers participations in management, virtually all organizations have a formal ,recognized ,legally specified organ for forming the initial goals and their amendments ,generally ,.top management determines the overall objectives which the members of an organizations unite to achieve,in some organizations, goals are set by the vote of the shareholders;in others,by a vote of members; and in few .by an individual who owns and runs the organizations ,they may change or propose a new goal.

by santosh


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