Advertising brings many advantages to the consumers ,many actures and resellers, at present advertising plays importance role in marketing ,it's imps can be explained on the basis of several points.

INCREASES SALES VOLUME:-Advertising increases the sales volume of the orgn by stimulting demand for each product.

PROVIDES WIDER COMMUNICATION APPROACH :-Advertising provides the infromation about the product and orgnization to a large no.of customers at a time. it can reach wher the sales people cannot approach.

SUPPOTS OTHER PROMOTION TOOLS:-Advertising supports other promotion tools perticularly personal selling and sales promotion,sometimes advertsement is design to support the sales promotion skim of the orgn by providing the information about such skims to potential buyers similarly advertising is also done to support the travelling sales persons by infroming the potential buyers about visit.

CREATES PRODUCT AWARENESS:-Advertising provides the information about the product its price features uses and benefit such information developes the products awareness among buyers .

BUILDS IMAGE OF THE ORGN AND ITS PRINTS:- Advertising increases the reputatien of the orgn adn image of it s product frequent and constant advertising creates favourable impression in the minds of the buyers about the orgn and its products.

BUSINESS EXPANSION:- Advertising helps the business form to expand their business by creative new customer and new market for their product.

SAVES TIME OF CONSUMERS:-Advertising provides usefull information about the product their features places of availability ,benefits etc,so,with the help of advertising consumers can obatain right product at competitive price with minimum time.

AIDS TO SALES PERSON AND MIDDLEMEN:- Consumer get clear and detail information about the product through adverting ,such it becomes very easy and convinent to the sales person and middlemen to the sales person and middlemen to sales such advertised product.

by santosh


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