Bar is the place were we got the lequire,non lequire,alcohalic n non alcohalic,brandy ,whisky,etc,chill or non chill beverage where store for to customer.In a bar their visit most of the people who get the leasuire time ,here they come to for to get freshing ,hanging with some their fren,it is the most of the one of part sale depart.of the hotel,restuarent n banquet.
most of the bar service is rapied then other services it's like fast beverage service store ,where we get the all kind of advance beverage.most of all bar is opened at night,so at that time we can see the most people hanging aroundA inside their with their fren.It is just like the page 3 part of the people .It's upgrade the economice status of the hotel,restuarent ,disco bar etc.
New ly the most of the country their have also one of the specilas sectore of bar only,bar dances.
were provides the facilities just like to make page 3 ,here we can joy with our intreast beverage along with musical contributes.where can dance with taken freely enjoy with secure some of the bar dance rest.
For to presentation their have many of manpower sources,who serve n give manner service to customer.
who represent the bar ,to them we call bartender ,who take a very of the one most impo.part of this sectore.


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